Mac makeup artist kit tips
Mac makeup artist kit tips

mac makeup artist kit tips

Pandora taught me about the main differences between a male and female face and how to address these by using clever hi-lighting, contouring and shading. She was big, blonde and beautiful and could carve out a female face on any man and make them look amazing. Pandora had been one of the Barbettes (Transsexual waitresses and performers) at Madame Jo Jo's back in the 1980's. Instead, I went for lessons with an amazing transsexual woman called Pandora De'Pledge who sadly died a few years ago from cancer. "There is no specific male-to-female makeup course. These clients will come to me for a makeover and a dressing-up session but they have to change back at the end and go back to their normal lives."

mac makeup artist kit tips

They don't wish to transition or change gender, they just have an overwhelming desire to dress as a female every so often. The transvestite clients normally live a heterosexual existence with a wife and family who have no idea that they have been sporadically dressing as a woman for years. Most of the time, nobody knows their secret apart from me. There really is no trend in who transgenderism affects - Christians, Jews, Muslims… Everyone! The majority of my clients are living in the closet. "My clients vary in age from 15 to 96, from cleaners to politicians. My parents bought me one of those mannequin heads as a child and I virtually wore it out! I had a fascination with drag queens from a young age too - using makeup to switch genders seemed so powerful to me." I loved the smell of it and the different shades and colours. "I have been obsessed with makeup for as far back as I can remember. We chatted to Jodie Lynn, a makeup artist who has dedicated her career to helping men reveal the woman within… Men choosing to live as a women has always existed, but by making such a public appearance in her new feminine get-up, Kelly helped to chip away at the ignorant view some people still have on the subject. When Kelly - formerly known as boxing promoter Frank Maloney - strutted into the Celebrity Big Brother house recently, it was a bit of a first for the transgender community.

Mac makeup artist kit tips